Name | Image | Tier | Pool | Description | Flavor |
Golden Razor | | Common | | Right-click to use in a combat. Lose 20 gold, gain 1Strength. | Pain from gain. |
Keeper's Sack | | Common | | Whenever you spend gold in the shop, at the start of each combat, gain 1Strength or 1Dexterity or 1Focus. You can gain up to 6Strength,5Dexterity and 4Focus from this relic. | Spending power. |
Metronome | | Common | | 1 charge, when fully charged, right-click to obtain a random relic for the current room. Using this relic multiple times in the same room will replace the previous relic with a new one. | Waggles a finger. |
Mucormycosis | | Common | | Whenever you play an Attack , 25% chance to apply 1FungalSpores or SporeCloud to an enemy. | Mucormycosis is a fungal infection triggered by the fungus Trichoderma.The fungi that usually cause the disease are mostly Mucor spp., Rhizopus spp., furrows, or picornithiasis spp. |
Plum Flute | | Common | | 4 charges, when fully charged, right-click to summons BabyPlum to fight for you in the current room. Will leave after 3 intents. | Play time! |
The Relic | | Common | | Every 5 combats, gain 10SoulHeart. | Soul generator. |
Blood Puppy | | Uncommon | | At the start of each combat, spawn a BloodPuppy pet. | What a cute little thing! |
Glass Cannon | | Uncommon | | 1 charge, when fully charged, right-click to deal 30 damage to ALL enemies. After use, triple your next unblocked damage. Whenever you received an unblocked damage after use, this relic will be broken. Repairing this relic requires 4 charges. | Be gentle... |
Hemoptysis | | Uncommon | | The first time you play ttack in each combat, apply 3Vulnerable to the enemy. Whenever an enemy dies with Vulnerable, deal the damage equals to the last damage it was taken to ALL enemies and apply 2Vulnerable to them. | Double tap sneeze. |
Larynx | | Uncommon | | 12 charges, right-click to use even not fully charged. Deals 3 times the number of charged levels of damage to ALL enemies. Increase the charge by 1 when takes an unblocked damage. | Hear my pain. |
Sulfur | | Uncommon | | 3 charges, when fully charged, right-click to add a BloodyBrimstone in your hand. | Budget Brimstone. |
Suplex! | | Uncommon | | 3 charges, when fully charged, right-click to deal 50 damage to an enemy. | As the acme of perfection! |
Book Of Virtues | | Rare | | 4 charges, when fully charged, right click to summon a wisp. When you have any other chargeable relic, this relic cannot be used by right clicking directly. When you right click to use any other chargeable relics, summon a wisp with corresponding special effects. | Spiritual companionship. |
Echo Chamber | | Rare | | The first card you play in each turn will trigger the effect of the first card you play in recent 3 turns of the combat once. | I can see see the future future future... |
Holy Mantle | | Rare | | Prevent the first time you would lose HP each combat. | Holy shield. |
Lazarus' Rags | | Rare | | There's 1 resurrection chance on each act. After resurrection through this relic, lose 10 max health(if your max health is less than 10, set it to 10 ), heal 10, gain 1Strength at the start of each combat and multiply your attack damage by 1.6 at the current act. If you resurrect in combat through this relic, it will be deemed that you have not received any damage before resurrection. | Eternal life? |
Red Key | | Rare | | 4 charges, when fully charged, right-click to create a new room connected with the current room. | Explore the other side. |
Rock Bottom | | Rare | | You can no longer gain negative effects. The amount of Strength , Dexterity and Focus will not be able to decrease and can't be remove. | It's only up from there. |
TMTRAINER | | Rare | | Z1s/zEI/Z ZX? Zz=Z%zZ | |
The Body | | Rare | | Upon pickup, raise your Max HP by 21. | I feel all. |
Blood Oath | | Special | | At the start of the first combat on each act, Drain your health to 1. At the start of each combat at the current act, for each 10 HP drained, gain 2Strength,Block and 1Dexterity (Round up). | Blood me dry. |
Crown Of Light | | Special | | Upon pickup, gain 20SoulHeart. If your HP is full and didn't take any unblocked damage, gain DoubleDamage at the start of your turn. | The untainted gain power. |
Holy Grail | | Special | | Upon pickup, raise you Max HP by 7. At the start of each combat, gain 1Flight. | Flight + HP up |
Jupiter | | Special | | At the start of each combat, lose 2Dexterity. Whenever you play a Skill, the counter increases by 1 and gain 1Dexterity. Whenever you play an Attack, if the counter is not equal to zero, decrease the counter by 1 and lose 1Dexterity, apply 3Poison to the enemy who takes the unblocked Attack damage. | You're a gas giant! |
Luna | | Special | | Starting from the next act, the probability of an ? room doubling. Whenever you passed a ? room, gain 5SoulHeart and at the start of the next combat, gain 1Dexterity. | The moon's blessing shines upon you. |
Mars | | Special | | 3 charges, when fully charged, right-click to dash, deal 32 damage to ALL enemies. You are Invincible during the dash. | Double tap dash. |
Mercurius | | Special | | At the start of each combat, gain 3Dexterity. You can leave the room at any time during the combat. | You feel elusive. |
Neptunus | | Special | | If you do not play any Attacks during your turn, gain DoubleDamage next turn. | Open the floodgates. |
Revelation | | Special | | Upon pickup, gain 20SoulHearts. At the start of each combat, gain 1Flight. Right click to use all [E] , deals damage to ALL enemies equal to the amount of [E] spent 15 times. | Awaken your faith. |
Sacred Heart | | Special | | Upon pickup, raise your Max HP by 7 and heal all of your HP. At the start of each combat, gain 1Strength. Your attack deals 2.3x damage. | DMG UP! |
Sol | | Special | | Every time you victory in a boss combat: Heal all HP(Ignore Mark of the Bloom), remove all Curses in your deck, at the start of each combat, gain 2Strength. | Radiant victory. |
Terra | | Special | | At the start of each combat, gain 1Strength. Your base Attack damage is halved. Whenever you play two attack cards, the base damage of the next attack card is quadrupled. | Born to rock. |
The Stairway | | Special | | The shop has a 50% chance of selling the relics from the AngelRoom. | May you get what you came for. |
The Wafer | | Special | | Whenever you would receive 8 or more unblocked damage, reduce it to 7. | Damage resistance. |
Venus | | Special | | Upon pickup, raise you Max HP by 7. At the start of each combat, apply 3Weak to ALL enemies. Whenever you take an unblocked Attack damage, the attacker lose 3Strength. | You feel pretty. |
Glitched Crown | | Boss | | Relics dropped from the combat reward screen; Relics sold in the shop; And relics in the boss relic select screen will be cycled among 5 random relics. | ????? |
R Key | | Boss | | One time use relic, right click to use. Teleport to Exordium. | Time to start over. |
Spirit Link | | Boss | | Whenever you play a Power card, remove it from your master deck, then trigger the effect of these Power cards at the start of each combat(the Power cards added during the combat are not included, the card with the same name only retains the one with the most Upgrade times). | Placeholder. |
4.5 Volt | | Shop | | Cleaning the room will no longer charge the chargeable relics. For every 70 damage done, charge the first chargeable relic in the relic list. A single attack can only increase charge by one at most. | Beat the juice out of them! |
Alabaster Box | | Shop | | Alabaster Box has to be charged by picking up SoulHearts or BlackHearts. It requires 30 charges, when fully charged, right click to obtain 2 Angel Room relics and 15SoulHearts (If a Devil Deal was taken previously, gain 10SoulHearts and one Angel Room relic instead). | A sacred offering. |
Battery Pack | | Shop | | Upon pickup, fully charged ALL chargeable relic and add 3Battery to your deck. | Instant energy! |
Birthright | | Shop | | It has different effects on each character. | ??? |
Eraser | | Shop | | Each act can be used once against an enemy. If the target is a non-boss enemy, kill it instantly; If it's a boss enemy, deal 15 damage. The enemies killed by Eraser will not appear in this game. | Erase thy enemy. |
Red Stew | | Shop | | Upon pickup, raise your Max HP by 7 and heal 15. The initial counter of this relic is 22. Once you enter a room, the counter decreases by 2 ; At the end of your turn, the counter decreases by 2 and lose 2Strength. At the start of each combat, gain Strength equal to the counter. When Fatal, the counter increases by 1 and gain 1Strength. When the counter returns to zero, the relic is used up. | Esau despised his birthright. He gave up the birthright in exchange for the red stew. |